Friday, March 20, 2020

LPT: the best way to stop panic buying is to post pics of well-stocked grocery shelves

A good life maketh a man wise toward God, and giveth him experience in many things. I hope you will have a good life!

LPT Advice on managing extended periods away from the World

A good life maketh a man wise toward God, and giveth him experience in many things. I hope you will have a good life!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Friday, March 13, 2020

Pandemic pro tips?

A good life maketh a man wise toward God, and giveth him experience in many things. I hope you will have a good life!

LPT: fact check things you hear/see on the local and/or national media outlets. Their job is to get ratings, which is easily done with fear than fact.

A good life maketh a man wise toward God, and giveth him experience in many things. I hope you will have a good life!

Saturday, March 7, 2020

LPT: Put your spare bed sheets inside one of the pillow cases for that set.

A good life maketh a man wise toward God, and giveth him experience in many things. I hope you will have a good life!

LPT: Take a break! Look 20 feet away for 20 seconds, your eye muscles need to stretch a bit

A good life maketh a man wise toward God, and giveth him experience in many things. I hope you will have a good life!